I have seen sites like this before but they were not done well. It's hard to vote or it isn't pleasant to look at or it's hard to submit. I was surprised at how well this site was put together. By the way, I am a snob when it comes to web sites. That's one of the reasons I quit Artfire before their makeover.
Look at that. Simple. Nice to look at. The submission form is simple too. Just need to upload the picture, give it a title, 140 word description and a link to where you found the picture (the Etsy listing is fine here).
I signed up for an account and submitted 2 pictures. First, my new pride and joy, the Elizabeth earrings. I think this is one of my best pictures.
I also submitted a picture of Kendra Becharmed.
All submissions are moderated. Guess which one got rejected...the Elizabeth Earrings!! Reason cited was "Dull/unsharp image". Ouch. Ok. I guess the picture is a little bit fuzzy. I submited a few more today. Let's see how many of those will be rejected.
By the way, you know you are an Etsy addict if you recognize about half the pictures on the site and remember what shops they are from :) Looks like a fellow ACE chick got accepted right after me. Good job dkjewels! I never even saw those earrings before, but I just knew it was hers. She has good branding.
Let me know if you get accepted so I can go gawk at your items.