There's something about letterpress items that's so simple and elegant. I love this sweet "For You" flat note card. It'll be perfect for including it with a simple gift and make it feel like a bigger gift.

This foldover love notecard so cute too! Look at the little bird and the bird cage on the back. It's like saying "Love freed me". I also like how the bird cage looks like it's swinging to the side, like the bird just flew out of it and pushed it back with it's strong legs and energy from love. Ok, maybe I am reading too much into this....

Laura also makes these cute little pocket journals. I love the brown and turquoise sakuras on the cover. It's very modern. Carrying this around will inspire me to jot down all my creative thoughts for sure.

I peeked at her sold items and saw this. It's so pretty and yellow!!!! She didn't relist it though. I wonder if all her journals are one of a kind.

I checked out Laura's blog and it looks like she's a great photographer too! Look at the colors of this picture! The sky is so beautiful in the water!

I also love the perspective in this picture. I wonder if she will start selling these in her Etsy shop either as prints or as cards.

Studio827KC is a pretty new shop and I see a lot of potential! She's having a Memorial Day Sale. Free Shipping through Monday May 31, just enter the code MDS10 in your note when making your purchase. I hope you like her shop as much as I do. Don't forget to click on the pictures to get to the listings or her shop. And of course, don't forget to comment here to show her your love! Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!