Sunday, November 29, 2009

~ Thanksgiving Hot Pot ~

As far as I remember, the last time I had turkey for Thanksgiving was in college. This year, we had hot pot. I actually had it on Thanksgiving day and the day after because we had so much food.

It's awesome to have a bigger group for hot pot. We had such an awesome variety. I had my favorite veggie, lettuce. Yes, I am boring like that. We had scallops, shrimp, green mussels, flank steak, chicken, pork, pork belly, tofu, fried tofu, fish balls, meat balls, shrimp balls, turnip, enoki mushrooms, king oyster mushrooms, udon noodles, spinach, pig liver and so much more.

One pleasant surprise this time was the fish roe fish balls. They are so adorable! They look like big hershey kisses. This is what they look like uncooked...

I don't know why this picture turned out side ways, but this is what it looks like cooked and basking in the soy sauce mixture.

Inside the fish ball exterior are tons of orange fish roe. It was really good! It's fun to eat like those pork soup dumplings in New York. The fish roe is a little bit sweet and the texture of the outer white part is like a little bouncy.

I am going to remember this bag so I can go get some next time. Very good stuff!

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, Black Friday and weekend!


pxyjk said...

Wow. It looks like quite a feast. Are you going to do the same thing for Christmas?

Joyce said...

Probably :) it's the easiest!

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