Ok I know it's Wednesday and I am supposed to do a treasury, but I just wanted to finish the trilogy :) It's the exciting conclusion!
Day 5:It's finally here! The day of the wedding! Got a phone call bright and early from my brother. He got us an appointment to go snuba! We actually tried to go before but the water was murky from the day of rain. Finally cleared up so we could go!
My parents went too, even though they were scared. My dad doesn't know how to swim. He got so scared that he decided to just hang out to the raft and look down. So, yeah, we paid for him to snorkel and to watch us snuba basically.
Here are the underwater pictures. It's awesome and our guide is a wonderful lady. Her name is Jodi Taylor at Windsong Resort.
We are Aquatic super heroes!

I couldn't get my ears to pop so I didn't go that far down :(

Huge fish!

Can you see the turtle?

I didn't even realize that we went to snuba at 9am! I don't even get to work till 11am usually! That's what happens when there's no cell phone to tell time. After a relaxing lunch, it was time to get ready for the wedding.
There are so many pictures for the wedding, that it's hard to pick some to show here. First, we had to sail to the secluded beach for the ceremony. Wind blowing, sun shining, it was awesome!

The dogs are not supposed to get wet, and they come first!

Then, comes the bride :) They are so sweet!

Ceremony on the beach

Then, we took a bunch of pictures on the beach and sailed back to a resort for the reception.

Of course, we had to do the Chinese tea ceremony where the bride and groom offer tea to their elders. And in return, we give them blessings, wisdom, gold and money. Well, just money from me :)

Of course there was alcohol.....

This is really cute. Because the wedding was so small, my brother and sister-in-law wrote personalized messages to each guest and put it in a bottle. Mine was awesome! It's in binary (yes, we are both computer science nerds).

We are all siblings now!

The reception was so much fun! It was on the beach. There was a bonfire. There was even fireworks!! Ok, that was just a coincidence. Some big resort had their opening ceremony and paid for $20,000 worth of fireworks. We just pretended it was for their wedding :)
After the craziness, we just walked along the beach, back to our resort. So relaxing and beautiful. I am so happy for my brother and his wife!
Day 6:Last day, we just relaxed. We had lunch at this great little restaurant with a great view.

We ate that.....ok I am just kidding. My brother found this somewhere on the beach.

It was hard to say goodbye to the island. But, had to come back to reality sometime. What a wonderful vacation! So many happy memories!