Monday, July 26, 2010

~ Craftcult Introduces Pocket Shop Widget for Your Etsy Shop! ~

I was stalking my Etsy jewelry and supplies shops through Craftcult when I noticed a banner about Pocket Shop.  After I clicked on it and followed the 6 simple steps, I had a pocket shop!  Note the cute themes you can choose from!

After another minute, my pocket shop is live on my blog!  All I did was copy and pasted the script into a HTML/Javascript widget in my blog.  For my supplies shop, I replaced the Etsy Mini with the pocket shop. Here's a screen shot in case you don't see it to the right.

One of the options is to only show a section of your shop. Here's one created for my jewelry shop's most popular section, Crystal Stars.  Clicking on the "Buy" button will bring you to the Etsy listing.

Overall, I think this is a great little widget. It's easy to make and easy to install. It looks nice and it's flashy and interactive. There's one reason why I haven't replaced my jewelry shop's Etsy Mini with this pocket shop though. With the mini, you get to see 10 items all at the same time. With the pocket shop, you have to wait for it to scroll through. For a blog, it's not probably not likely for people to watch the pocket shop scroll through the products. So, Etsy Mini may be better since it quickly shows people some of your products. Which one do you like better?


Stockannette said...

Wow - thanks for bringing this to my attention! I see merits of both, as you said... I do like the movement of the pocket shop, but then seeing a bunch of items at once is also nice. Choices: nice quandary to be in!

The Beading Gem said...

It's a cute widget but your point about the Etsy mini is a valid one.

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